We are a vibrant group of people, who have found the richness of life in knowing the Lord Jesus. We would love many others in the Mackay region and beyond to know the joy we have found and we look to do whatever we can to help that happen. We love digging into God’s word to see what he has to say to us in real, relevant, and life-changing ways.
We’ve experienced that Jesus' death on the cross has brought happiness and joy, deep contentment and peace by his Spirit. We want to continue to live in that experience and see others enter into it through Jesus. Part of that vibrant life is shown in our deep dependence on God in prayer.
We are a church where people who don’t know heaps about Jesus and church, can come along and feel deeply loved and valued as they find out more. We welcome people of any age, gender, race, education level, religion, or cultural background. We’d love to get to know you and be of any assistance we can be in your journey through life and with Jesus. We partner with other ministries both in Mackay and around the world to extend the love of Christ and his Word as broadly and deeply as possible.
In a world where things change so quickly and new fads and ideas are gone as quickly as they came, we need something solid to hold onto. For us at MAKE that Rock is Jesus and his Spirit-inspired words to us in the Bible. We keep the reading of the Bible central to our meetings, both small and large, and also through expositional preaching and teaching through books of the Bible, connecting those ancient texts with the complexity our day-to-day lives.
Jesus is the one who deeply satisfies our souls by dying the death we deserve and rising to the new life he invites us to share with his Father, by the Spirit.